Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Poetry Criticism Essay

?Compose a basic valuation for the sonnet INCENDIARY by Vernon Scannell. You should remark on topic, word usage, tone and structure. A flammable is a bomb which sets things ablaze, which gets over the possibility that the kid resembled a risky weapon, prepared to detonate whenever. This sonnet is about a kid who sets a ranch ablaze with the expectation that he gets the consideration he has been yearning for. In the main line, the artist depicts the kid to have a face â€Å"like gray cheese†. This comparison is delineates the kid to look very wiped out and powerless. We promptly have sympathy and understand that the kid is neglected. The artist additionally portrays the kid to have â€Å"burnt-out little eyes† suggesting that, concerning fire, his eyes have ceased to exist indicating that he has lost expectation. The fire was colossal, bubbling and all-expending, as suggested in this statement: â€Å"As baldfaced wild and enormous, as red and gold and crazy yellow. † This recommends the fire was a large number of hues â€Å"red, gold and goofy yellow†. It was additionally striking, savage and amazingly huge â€Å"Brazen, furious and huge†. The word crazy additionally recommends it being, wild or wild. The artist shows the degree of harm brought about by the fire through the statement â€Å"spoiled 3,000 guineas† worth of harvests. The way that he utilizes â€Å"guineas† could suggest that the sonnet was set some time back. Scannell depicts the scene as alarming and exceptionally harming: â€Å"Is startling as a reality and a metaphor†. He depicts the flares as â€Å"flame-fanged tigers†. This is a representation where the flares are contrasted with tigers; wild creatures which are seen as gooey and brutal. These enormous blazes are supposed to be â€Å"roaring hungrily†. The utilization of the word â€Å"hungrily† suggests that the flares are devouring while the utilization of the word â€Å"roaring† is a likeness in sound demonstrating that the fire was uproarious. The peruser no longer has a feeling of sympathy towards the kid since he has caused so much irreversible harm. The sentiment of antagonistic vibe is increased through this statement: â€Å"And alarming too that one little kid should set the sky ablaze and gag the stars†. This utilization of embodiment depicts the picture of the huge measure of smoke ascending so high that it shut out the stars. This might be another sign of lost expectation as the light of the stars is not, at this point obvious. The artist indeed attempts to cause us to feel sorry for the kid: â€Å"Such thin appendages and such a little heart which would have been content with one little kiss had there been anybody to offer this†. This statement indeed presents the topic of disregard. His â€Å"skinny limbs† show that he is malnourished. The kid is yearning for â€Å"one warm kiss† which gives the peruser a thought of his intentions. He is most likely looking for consideration, with an end goal to be cherished. The sonnet doesn’t have a specific rhyme plot anyway rhyming couplets seem multiple times all through the sonnet, one of them showing up toward the end. Like this, the writer accentuates explicit lines in which he might need to be especially amazing. At the point when a sonnet finishes along these lines after not having a lot of rhyme all through, it can make it all the more genuinely moving. Because of the absence of accentuation and the impact of the rhyming couplets that show up, the tone is very quick which potentially demonstrates the short measure of time where the ranch burst into flames. It might likewise make a vivacious environment to breath life into the vitality of the fire. In this sonnet, Scannell utilizes a misrepresented however conceivable case of what a kid may do when the individual in question is neglected. Through this he attempts to show us the outcomes and perils of ignoring youngsters and the frantic estimates they may go to.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Thailand Baht Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thailand Baht - Essay Example The Thai government utilized a dominant part of their outside stores and purchased the Thai Baht to invigorate its cash, individuals were selling Baht in mass numbers and this was further debilitating the money, this progression of purchasing the Baht reestablished some truly necessary strength and monetary request in the nation. â€Å"It cost the Thai government $5 billion to safeguard the baht, which decreased its formally announced outside trade stores to a two-year low of $33 billion. Likewise, the Thai government raised key financing costs from 10 percent to 12.5 percent to make holding baht progressively appealing, but since this additionally raised corporate obtaining costs it exacerbated the obligation emergency. What the world money related network didn't know now, was that with the gift of his bosses, an outside trade merchant at the Thai national bank had bolted up the majority of Thailands remote trade saves in forward contracts.† (Competing in the Global Marketplace) Subsequent to making a few endeavors to spare the Baht the administration of Thailand came up short on stores and assets lastly acknowledged that the peg had gotten farfetched to safeguard. They made a few endeavors to spare the Baht however they couldn't succeed. The Thai government had $1.14 billion for possible later use and every last bit of it was utilized and still, at the end of the day the cash couldn't be spared from a freefall. The legislature of Thailand put forth sincere a few attempts to spare the freefall of Thai Baht, the most significant measure maybe was purchasing the cash by utilizing their remote stores, over a billion dollars were spent on buying the Thai Baht however much in the wake of burning through the entirety of their outside stores the administration missed the mark concerning thought and acknowledged their thrashing. To finish up any reasonable person would agree that the endeavors were unquestionably there however the Thai government got their system totally off-base and this is the reason the cash and the

Friday, August 21, 2020

African american history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

African american history - Essay Example They incorporate Igbo, Wolof, Mande, Akan, Fon, Bakongo and Makua among others. This individuals got rid of their inborn contrasts and manufactured another culture and history that was acreolization to their pasts and present. This African American built up a culture that was alluded to as a dark culture. The way of life is profoundly established in Africa. This culture has influenced the United States as part or unmistakable from its way of life. It has colossally affected the American culture as entirety. Despite the fact that servitude limited the act of African American culture, their convictions, qualities, and practices endure and have mixed or altered the white culture (Joanne 64). Inside eighteenth and19th hundreds of years, both white and dark Americans attempted to stop servitude (Franklin and Higginbotham 285). Numerous abolitionist social orders were sorted out to battle with the goal that slaves could be liberated. Primary slaveholders thought about liberating captives to upset British exchange. Most strikingly, Prince Hall a free slave submitted petitions to end subjugation yet it was to a great extent overlooked. The other test of upheaval against subjugation set in when President Washington halted enlistment of fighters into the progressive armed force. The free slaves took an interest in the unrest against servitude and partook in American progressive war. America won the fight against the British guideline (Franklin and Higginbotham 327). President Thomas Jefferson alluded to servitude as ‘abominable crime’ and proclaimed the autonomy of slaves yet he was a long lasting slaveholder. During established show of 1787, there was announcement of opportunity of correspondence between the blacks and

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Focus on Nonprofit Management at Duke Fuqua

7th Place for Nonprofit Management A quick glance at Duke Fuqua currently ranks in 12th place as one of the best business schools, according to US News World Report (March 2012). It is ranked in 7th place for nonprofit management.  Ã‚   Duke Fuqua’s Class of 2014 and Management The class of 2014 Daytime MBA class size is 432 students with an average age of 29. 99.3% of students entered with work experience; the average years of work experience is 5.4 years. The 80% range of students scored between 640 and 740 on the GMAT and have an undergraduate GPA of 2.9 to 3.9. Engineering and Natural Sciences is the highest represented major (32% of students). Following close after that is the Business and Accounting major (31%), followed by Liberal Arts (20%), and Economics (13%). Fuqua Academics Related to Nonprofit Management Since obtaining global knowledge is a foundational element of the Duke Fuqua mission, the two-year program kicks off with a four-week Global Institute featuring three core courses: Leadership, Ethics, and Organizations Global Institutions and Environments Consequential Leadership To continue their global business training, student will receive opportunities to experience international business and cultural practices head-on in other countries with the  Global Academic Travel Experience (GATE)   and various exchange programs. There’s also the  Fuqua Client Consulting Practicum  (FCCP) in which students work with businesses and nonprofit organizations to address company challenges. Mini-Terms with Lots of Classes To receive as diverse a range of knowledge as possible, terms at Fuqua are broken up into six-week periods – that means that each â€Å"traditional† semester (Fall and Spring) is actually broken down into two sessions for a total of four groups of classes per year. First Year Classes Fall 1 Probability and Statistics Managerial Economics Financial Accounting Management Communication I Business Computer Applications Core course in  finance for those with exemptions Fall 2 Global Financial Management Marketing Management Foundations of Strategy Management Communication II Potential elective if core is exempted or taken in Fall 1 Winter Term Optional elective: Workshop in Managerial Improvisation Spring 1 Operations Management Elective Elective Spring 2 Elective Elective Elective Second Year: Students general take three elective courses per term. Choosing a Concentration and Elective Courses Students can choose to focus on a specialized concentration (see list of concentrations here) and then choose six elective courses in that area. Specializing in a concentration is optional; students may concentrate in up to two areas. There are a number of concentrations that would be of interest to management students, including Social Entrepreneurship, Management, Leadership Ethics, and Energy Environment. (Lists of required courses can be found if you click on any of the above links.) Examples of courses for those who want to focus on nonprofit management and social entrepreneurship include: LAW 541 – Exempt Organizations PUBPOL 559S/LAW 585 – Philanthropy, Voluntarism Not-For-Profit Management PUBPOL 830.02 – Nonprofit Management PUBPOL 830.04 – Foundation Strategy and Impact CASE Affiliated Electives MGT 491 Corporate Social Impact Management MGT 426 – Social Entrepreneurship STATEGY 490 – Global Consulting Practicum  Ã‚   Spring Term 1 2 (trip during Spring Break – confirmed countries: India, Belize, South Africa) MGT 491 – Advanced Seminar in Social Entrepreneurship FINANCE 356 – Entrepreneurial Finance FINANCE 491 – Small and Minority Business Finance MANAGEMT 491 – Entrepreneurial Execution/Planning MANAGEMT 431 – Mentored Study in Entrepreneurship MGRECON 407/LAW 515A – Government, Business and the Global Economy STRATEGY 333 – Entrepreneurial Strategy DECISION 491 – Decision Tools for Environmental Sustainability Students who are interested in health care management may enroll in the Health Sector Management (HSM) certificate program. You can read about the certificate requirements here. Another certificate program of interest to nonprofit management/social enterprise students is the  Certificate in International Development Policy from the  Duke Center for International Development  at The Terry Sanford School of Public Policy. Students may also cross-register for related courses at the Duke Law School, the Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy, the Nicholas School of the Environment, and UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School’s Center for Sustainable Enterprise (11 miles away). Students who wish to pursue careers in nonprofit management may want to consider getting involved in the  CASE Summer Internship Program in which students spend their summer working with government agencies and nonprofit organizations learning about the challenges and rewards of social sector management. Past CASE Summer Internships include work with the Alzheimer’s Association – NYC Chapter, Education Pioneers, Institute for Sustainable Development (Green Plus Program), Benetech, Nature Conservancy, Social Enterprise Associates/SEEP Network, Self-Help, Teach for America and others. See the complete list here. Nonprofit management and social enterprise students are also eligible for the CASE Social Sector Scholarship. You can read more about this and other social enterprise programs on Fuqua’s The Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE) site. Other research centers related to this topic include: Center for Decision Studies Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center for International Business Education and Research Center for Energy, Development, and the Global Environment (EDGE) Corporate Sustainability Initiative The Innovation Center at Duke University Fuqua/Coach K Center of Leadership and Ethics Fuqua Nonprofit Management/Social Enterprise Clubs Duke MBA Net Impact Club Duke MBA Energy Club Entrepreneurship Venture Capital Club Health Sector Management Program (HSM) Healthcare Club General Management Club International Business Club 2012 Nonprofit Management Hiring Stats at Duke Fuqua The chart below shows the class of 2012 full-time employment stats for nonprofit management/social enterprise students: Industry Percent of Grads Mean Salary ($) Median Signing Bonus ($) Education 1% N/A N/A Healthcare 11% 104,188 20,000 Energy/Utilities 2% 119,400 20,000 Nonprofit 1% N/A N/A *** For class of 2013 interns (for the summer of 2012), the breakdown goes as follows: Industry Percent of Interns Mean Monthly Salary ($) Non-Profit 2% 3,195 Education 2% 3,600 Energy/Utilities 3% 5,229 Healthcare 11% 6,428 *** Function Percent of Interns Mean Monthly Salary ($) Healthcare/Social Impact 1% N/A Education 1% N/A Other – Social Impact 1% N/A *** See a list of hiring companies for 2011-2012 here.   Are you applying to Duke’s Fuqua School of Business? Please see our Duke Fuqua B-School Zone and Fuqua Application Packages for more information on how can help you get accepted. (function(){ var s='hubspotutk',r,c=((r=new RegExp('(^|; )'+s+'=([^;]*)').exec(document.cookie))?r[2]:''),w=window;w[s]=w[s]||c, hsjs = document.createElement("script"), el=document.getElementById("hs-cta-da136d79-34f8-42ca-abbc-b7195c80da26"); hsjs.type = "text/javascript";hsjs.async = true; hsjs.src = "// (document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]||document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]).appendChild(hsjs); try{"hidden";}catch(err){} setTimeout(function() {try{"visible";}catch(err){}}, 2500); })(); ~ Helping You Write Your Best

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Flannery O Connor s A Good Man - 1493 Words

Flannery O’Connor’s background had a dramatic impact on her writing. Born in Savannah, Georgia, she utilized her familiarity with the region as a reference to implement a richly descriptive southern setting in her short stories. She was raised by devout Roman Catholics; her faith was deeply intertwined with the overall theme and character development in her writings. O’Connor portrays moments of grace for her main characters at a time of utter shock and devastation. In â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find†, the grandmother is enlightened when a mass murderer’s gun is pointing at her. In â€Å"Good Country People†, Hulga’s salvation comes when Manley Pointer, a con artist, steals her artificial leg and glasses. In these traumatic events, Flannery†¦show more content†¦As a gesture of love, acceptance, and forgiveness, the grandmother goes to touch the Misfit; he, however, shoots her dead. The Misfit is aware that â€Å"grace worked through him to strengthen the woman’s faith† (108). This scene defines the moment of grace in the grandmother’s life as she was able to fill her conscious with compassion by viewing him as one of her own children. An interesting remark is that the Misfit In the midst of such heartbreak and violence, the grandmother was able to feel love and sympathy towards the criminal. O’Connor emphasizes the dramatic transformation of the grandma in traumatic times from selfish and manipulative to benevolent and warmhearted. In regards to O’Connor’s Good Country People, the protagonist Hulga also experiences a moment of enlightenment during a dreadful experience. Physically, Hulga has very poor health; she has a heart condition, a missing leg, and diminished eyesight. Intellectually, Hulga has an extensive erudition and has earned a doctoral degree in philosophy. Through her life experiences and study, she became an Atheist. Her interactions with others around her are always riddled with exasperation and condescension because she believes she is smarter and not led blindly by religion. This arrogance is the reason she falls victim to Manley Pointer. Pointer was a seemingly harmless BibleShow MoreRelatedFlannery O Connor s A Good Man1275 Words   |  6 PagesFlannery O’Connor has written multiple books about the two topics she knows best, southern living and the Catholic religion. Most of her writings focus on humanity s biggest question. â€Å"What is required to attain salvation?† Growing up as a devout Roman-Catholic, O’Connor is able to shed some light into a question that even scholars in the Christian faith are unable to answer. Although O Connor has multiple books, the one that answers the many questions surrounding salvation best, is A Good ManRead MoreAn Analysis Of Flannery O Connor s A Good Man1425 Words   |  6 PagesBakane Franca Dr. Lorna Wiedmann English 202-025 December 12, 2014 The Devious Grandmother Have you ever noticed that, many individuals never awaken to reality unless they are exposed to violence? In Flannery O’Connor’s short story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† his main character, the grandmother is a master manipulator. In the story, a family is destroyed not only because of accidents caused by the grandmother, but also because the grandmother is inconsiderate and self-centered; they are all killedRead MoreAnalysis Of Flannery O Connor s A Good Man Is Hard Essay1426 Words   |  6 PagesResearch Analysis for A Good Man is Hard to Find Flannery O Connor s A Good Man is Hard to Find is certainly a surprising work of literature. With this story having a not so happy ending, it goes against all of the conventional ideas on what a typical storybook ending should be. Another unusual thing about A Good Man is Hard to Find is the use of the term good. It is thrown around excessively through the entire tale by the grandmother and even the Misfit seems to use this word as wellRead MoreThe Misfit By Flannery O Connor s A Good Man1590 Words   |  7 PagesThe word evil is most often associated with death or physically harmful things. But in Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find† the Misfit shows that evil is not only in physical actions but by also how you judge and treat people as demonstrated by the Grandmother in the story. The Misfit although is not seen as a fully developed character, he brings contradiction to the definition of evil and is also a main character of the story. The Misfit is talked about by critics as being evil andRead MoreFlannery O Connor s A Good Man Is Hard1601 Words   |  7 PagesThousands of men are imprisoned each year due to theft, assault, and so many other horrific deeds. Everyone knows the most extreme is murder. Flannery O’Connor, the author of â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find,† tells a horrific story of a deceiving grandmother who takes a road trip to Tennessee with her family. Evidently, the lie she told ends up leading her whole family including herself to a horrible death by â€Å"The Misfit†. The antagonist in the story, the Misfit, is an escape convict on the run and willRead MoreAn Analysis Of Flannery O Connor s A Good Man933 Words   |  4 PagesIn Flannery O’Connor’s short story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†, the fate of the family is foreshadowed within the very first few paragraphs. The grandmother in the story tries to convince the family that going to Tennessee w ould be much more suitable for the family vacation not only because had the children been to Florida before, but there is a criminal who has escaped from federal prison and is headed that way (1076). She tries to inform her son, Bailey, and his wife of the convict who claimsRead MoreA Good Man Is Hard For Find By Flannery O Connor s `` The Necklace `` And ``909 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find† â€Å"The Necklace† In today s society we tend to see people live above their means. The reason why I may be picked or even chose. In the short story by author Guy De Maupassant, â€Å"The Necklace† and the story â€Å"Good Man Is Hard to Find† by Flannery O Connor is because both stories have many similarities that we can say that they are combined. The ladies show that they see themselves as important in these stories. These ladies are more concernedRead MoreThe Characters Of Flannery O Connor s A Good Man Is Hard1677 Words   |  7 PagesThe Characters of Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† The Grandmother and the Misfit are O’Connor’s major characters in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†. Even though there are other characters a part of this story, the unnamed grandmother and the Misfit are the round characters as well as the main focus of the story. We are introduced to both characters early on because it’s coming from the grandmother’s point of view and we also discover that The Misfit is an escaped murderer but, we doRead MoreVanity, By Flannery O Connor s A Good Man Is Hard1868 Words   |  8 Pagesegocentric mindsets, and eloquent judgment comprise some of the qualities that society in the 1950’s and now embrace in common because of moral superiority. This â€Å"belief or attitude that one’s position and actions are justified by having higher moral values than others,† invades present society. Such lifestyle appears in Flannery O’Connor’s short story, â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find.† The grandmother in â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find,† lives blindfolded to the thought that she stands morally superior to thoseRead MoreFlannery O Connor s Faith And A Good Man Is Hard Essay1795 Words   |  8 Pages Jada Silverhorn Flannery O’Connor’s Faith and â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† Research Essay Dr. Jeff Conine English Comp. II 12/10/16 â€Æ' Flannery O’Connor’s Faith and â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† Flanner O’Connor, author of â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†, has an underlying theme within her writing, which is Christianity. If a reader does not keep O’Connor’s Christian background in focus, it will be impossible to fully interpret/understand O’Connor’s stories. In Flannery O’Connor’s writing, she

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sandra Wilcox Essay Example For Students

Sandra Wilcox Essay Eng 111July 8, 2004HollifieldThe Iris and RoseIn my life I have discovered two beautiful flowers that grow in mygarden. Both the iris and the rose are planted in my backyard garden. Whilethe iris is exotic and dazzling in color, the roses are beautifullyromantic and inviting to the eye. In history the Persian poet Hafiz called the rose a beauty spot onthe cheek of the world. During the Middle Ages, the rose was a symbol ofthe Resurrection and the Virgin Mary. Pope Hadrian / had placed roses overhis confessional as a joyful symbol of silence. The iris was the goddess ofthe rainbow and a messenger to the gods. Iris was shuttled between havenand earth atop colorful arcs. Whenever she stepped on earth, iris flowerssprang up in all the hues of the rainbow. Roses are sweetly scented. The colors and sizes of the roses areexquisite. The rose is a very delicate flower; that comes in a wide varietyof colors, ranging from pure white through yellow, pink and orange to red. Roses can have two or more colors blended together. My preference is thered rose, the pink, the white and the yellow. Irises come in virtuallyevery color in the world, sky blue to the deepest ocean blues, blazingcoppers, radiant red, saffron yellows, and soft rosy pink. There are alsothe innumerable color combinations, multihued beauties, contrasting beards,and other unique patterns. The rose petals form a distinctive raised cone shape. Roses arestraight-stem and upright growing in the garden. Each stems bears only onerose. The iris has six petals. The three inner petals point up and arecalled standards. The three outer petals of the irises are called falls. The beards are the hairs that grow in the center of the falls. The gray-green leaves are long, flat and pointed, and overlap almost like a fan. In my garden both of the flowers were planted close togetherbecause of their uniqueness. Through storms and drought, insects andanimals, they grow facing the sun. I also plant other flowers in my garden. I have mixed grand iris, playful daisies, lush lilacs, tender babys breathand roses. Each summer the flowers make a majestic spray on my dining roomtable.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Leadership of Foxconn free essay sample

The word of leader appeared in 1300, and the word of leadership appeared till 1834. The meaning of leadership is the ability of lead. (Charlotte,2002) Leadership is the process of reciprocal, transactional and transformational. In the course of a person is allowed to influence, inspire others to facilitate and achieve the target of groups and individuals. Leadership traits began to focus on the leaders own leadership scientific analysis. More specifically, it seems to distinguish the leader from the society to followers. (Richard rt al.,1996:167) Theorists, scholars and practitioners often have different definitions for leadership, therefore, each have different views on the meaning of leadership. Some researchers consider leadership as a trait or as a behavior, other view of leadership from a perspective or relationship standpoint. Regardless of the size of organization, leadership and management are two essential elements of successful businesses. (Gill,2005) In any organization, the main difference between leaders and managers is: Leaders can predict the future, review the existing human resources, material and have a plan on adjust their milestones. We will write a custom essay sample on The Leadership of Foxconn or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Managers do not need to have so-called lofty ideals, they only need to plan the human resources and materials properly. Managers execute the mandate given by superiors and to complete the work within the prescribed time, for short-range task has absolute executive power. Managers can bring great energy to the team. This following essay will firstly to compare the difference of theories in leadership and then introduce the leadership trait of the company. Leadership style Authoritarian leaders often judge according to their own ideas and make choices, rarely accept other opinions. In some cases, autocratic leadership is beneficial a large group of people to make decisions quickly. Some task requires strong leadership to work quickly and efficiently. Autocratic leadership is helpful in some cases, but sometimes this leadership style may cause problems. Such as a leader abuse of autocratic leadership style is often seen to be bossy, control and dictatorship person, which may cause resentment among group members. The Democratic leadership style often gives the consultation space to workers. The members of the group take a more participative role in the decision-making process. The benefit of democratic leadership is to inspire the subordinate to figure the better ideas and more creative solutions to problems. Some potential downsides of this kind of leadership is that it can lead to communication failures and inncompleted projects. Bubby(2011) states the type of paternalistic leader has a great relationship with their group just as the relationship with their family. The leader offer the subordinate great working conditions and fringe benefits make the worker works harder and be grateful to the company. This kind of leadership was not suitable for the mature employees, it might generate antagonism and resentment between the subordinates and leader rather than gratitude. Laissez-faire is the leadership which leaders are hands-off and allows group members to make the decisions. This kind of the leader may have high risk on their subordinate, the productivity may be low and it may be hard to make a decision. It is only suit the employees which are skilled and have high motivation on their work. McGregors theories of leadership are divided into two models: X leadership and Y leadership. The theory X is based on authoritarian management. It assumes that the employees are less motivation and dislike working in the theory X. The management style is discovered most in manufacturing company with a large number of workers. The theory Y assumes that the employees are highly motivated and ambitious on the work. Based on theory Y, people at lower levels of the organization are involved in decision making and have more responsibility. Foxconn Terry Gou founded Hon Hai Precision Industry Company Ltd, the anchor company of Hon Hai / Foxconn Technology Group in 1974. Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd., trading as Foxconn Technology Group, is a Taiwanese multinational electronics contract manufacturing company headquartered in Tucheng, New Taipei, Taiwan. It is the worlds largest electronics contract manufacturer measured by revenues. Foxconn is primarily an original design manufacturer and its clients included American, European, and Japanese electronics and information technology companies. The company manufactures notable product included the iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, PlayStation 3, and Wii U. Foxconn Technology Group is the worlds 3C (Computer Computer, Communications Communication, Consumer Electronics Consumer) foundry Regulation Mold largest international enterprises. (Foxconn, 2013). There are various admirable achievements and entrepreneurs in the world, Gou is one of the successful company of them. Hon Hais performance continues to expand under Guo’s military operation. He is not only their leader but also their role model. He believes employees are indispensable to the company. Early in the financial tsunami, Hon Hai efforts to develop more new business opportunities, such as to strived Apple iPhone3G mobile phone order when other companies appeared tiredness. Gou driving the companys revenue rapidly up in 2009. In such a slump era, the companys business strategy and internal competitiveness is far higher than other companies. The company has a good leader can make the company sustained progress. Leadership with Foxconn Gou states that a successfully enterprises should pay attention to efficiency, rather than democracy. Democracy is the most inefficient way of work, democracy is an atmosphere, a feeling, so that we can communicate, but†¦, in the fast-growing company, leaders should be a little more domineering. For enterprises, discipline is more important than democracy. This kind of leadership is between Autocratic and Paternalistic. Due to Gous strong leadership, everything goes efficiently according to table drills of the company. Gou considered that the executive power is mainly pressure to force the company to rich the company goal. Gou also requiring employees to work even during the typhoon day. Ordinary companies only operate 24 hours per days, Hon Hai was able to operate 28 hours. By the time difference between the U.S. and Taiwan, Hon Hai works 4 more hours than others. Reward and punishment is his leadership spirit. At work, once they accept the consumer’s order, they will finish the work within the time. The employee will be punished by the company if they did not submit the products in the deadline. However, despite the military discipline, they will not stingy to distribute the commission to the employees. As the outstanding performance of the employee, it is not difficult to get share stocks at the end of assigned. (Chang, 2005) The leadership of Gou’s management finally causes some problem. Foxconn has been involved in several controversies relating to how it manages employees in China. There were a series of suicide incidents of the manufactory in Mainland China during the 2010. The main causes of the event pointed out that employees work in a deep pressure working environment. It reveals a huge drawback of the management. The company began to concern the issue of the working environment and working hours. In 2012 Apple hired the Fair Labor Association to conduct an audit of working conditions at Foxconn. After the events, FoxConn decided to increase wages, and stop issuing compensation for suicides at the same time.(China Labor Watch, 2011) Conclusion To conclude, Hon Hai presents the standard Autocratic leadership and also involved the Paternalistic style. This essay has introduced the leadership of Gou, and also well-present the managed way of Foxconn. Gous management makes the company operation much more efficiency than other well-known company. Foxconn knocked out other competitors and win the chance to take the order which other company also wanted. Gous specialized leadership will continuously lead Hon Hai to a higher position. In order to lead the road to success, a leader must fully understand its mission and tasks. In short, leadership is the main key to successful of a company. References Charlotte,L. (2002) Oxford Dictionary: Oxford University Press Richard, M., Lyman, W.P., Gregory, A.B.,(1996) Motivation and Leadership at Work: McGraw-Hill Bubby D(2011) Management An Introduction 5th ed :Harlow Financial Times Prentice Hall Gill N,Managing and Leading People :Chartered Institude of Personnel and Development,2005 2013 HON HAI PRECISION IND.CO.,LTD 2013é ´ »Ã¦ µ ·Ã§ ² ¾Ã¥ ¯â€ Ã¥ · ¥Ã¦ ¥ ­(è‚ ¡)å… ¬Ã¥  ¸ Career Consulting Co. LTD @2005, LEADERSHIP The Competent leadership philosophy2 Ã¥ ° ±Ã¦ ¥ ­Ã¦Æ'…å   ±Ã¨ ³â€¡Ã¨ ¨Å Ã¨â€š ¡Ã¤ » ½Ã¦Å"䎪 Ã¥â€¦ ¬Ã¥  ¸Copyright @2005 ,LEADERSHIPä ¸ »Ã§ ® ¡Ã©  ËœÃ¥ °Å½Ã¥â€œ ²Ã¥ ­ ¸2 Yi, C., Wen, C., Fang, L.,(2005) The 50million Legendary of Ho Hai – The Empire of Gou: Common Wealth Ã¥ ¼ µÃ¦Ë†Å'è ª ¼,Ã¥ ¼ µÃ¦ ® ¿Ã¦â€"‡,ç› §Ã¦â„¢ ºÃ¨Å  ³/è‘â€", ä ºâ€Ã¥ Æ'å„„å‚ ³Ã¥ ¥â€¡Ã¯ ¼ Ã©Æ' ­Ã¥  °Ã©Å ËœÃ§Å¡â€žÃ© ´ »Ã¦ µ ·Ã¥ ¸ Ã¥Å"‹ (å… ¸Ã¨â€" Ã§â€°Ë†): Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¤ ¸â€¹Ã©â€ºÅ"è ªÅ' Statements on Foxconn’s Decision to Increase Wages and to Stop Suicide Compensation-Electronics : China Labor Watch(2011)